Company Profile
TAGES is the first local consultancy company established in Istanbul, Türkiye in relation to EU R&D and Innovation Funds since 2002, with joint venture offices in Milan, Manchester and Brussels. With 35 years of knowledge and experience in the private sector, ICT and digital transformation, 25 years of knowledge and experience in European Union R&D and Innovation projects, effective work in the European Commission and networks and extensive network collaborations, experience in 17 different sectors and technology fields, consisting of the best experts and consultants in their fields, it provides consultancy and project management services to industry, SMEs, entrepreneurs, Start-Ups, NGOs, universities and local governments on R&D and Innovation, European Union funds, project design, strategy and policy development. TAGES plays a leading role in the development of scientific and innovative projects through co-operations both in Turkey and in the European economic region, and acts as an R&D and innovation partner in the projects. TAGES has also contributed to many academic studies and is one of the supporters of the Contract of the Web ( founded by Sir Tim Berners-Lee the inventor of the world wide web.
To play a pioneering role in sustainable and effective studies that will provide Turkey with know-how and technology ownership at the global level, create a leverage effect for innovative companies, and provide the country's industry, universities, local governments, public institutions and SMEs with a competitive advantage at the international level and benefit the society and economy by realizing projects and providing consultancy in the European economic region. For this purpose, to act as a broad and multi-disciplinary team to research, develop and implement methods that will enable more R&D to be carried out in the country, the results to be transformed into innovation and put into practice, and to be an inspiration for Turkey.
To be a world company that develops different sectors and institutions in technological and innovative issues and continuously learns by creating knowledge through international co-operation for development in universal norms.

Experience and Competencies

Know-How to Impact
